From the Spot Where We/You/I Stand (Stood.) 2014

“Tender, funny, acrobatic, surprisingly evocative…”

The Philadelphia Inquirer


Blurring the lines between sculpture, performance, and dance, From the Spot... is about where we are, what we leave behind, the places we create and the ground beneath our feet. Alien topographies and precarious balances emerge as Rothlein explores the durational limits of a group of performers and materials wrestling with gravity - rarely touching the ground, never settling.


Concept and Direction: Tobin Rothlein
Lighting Design: James Clotfelter
Production Manager: James Clotfelter
Costume and Props Assistant: Becca Austin

Created with and Performed by: Beau Hancock, Amanda Miller, Chandra Moss, Paul Struck, and students from Girard College: Fantasia Stone, Jada Gordon, Damir Williams, Jarrell Battle, Dajon Wright


Forbidden Creature Virgin Whore 2013


MIRO Mash Ups